DAILY DEVOTION-Moving Right Along

8 limb yoga

DAILY DEVOTION-Moving Right Along

4/29/23 Moving Right Along 

Morgans Tarot 


The High Master of the Grand Committee of the Inner Circle of the One Hundred and Fourteenth Level of the Jargonite Section of the Kasar Galaxy wishes to inform the Razor Contingent of the Golden Galaxy of an important message. 

“We have chosen the science-fiction language of the planet Earth to transmit information for the purpose of giving certain clues to key side-beings who have been kept in ignorance for many eons. 

“On the physical plane, a number of us have been placed on this planet, which is currently ravaged by dead center-vibrations radiating from the late age of Kali Yuga on the chronological time scale. Our function is to provide clues and make road signs (of which the Morgan Tarot may, or may not, be one) for those who are to usher in the New Age.” 

Yoga Sutra 3.4

4/29/23 Moving Right Along 

Morgans Tarot 



The High Master of the Grand Committee of the Inner Circle of the One Hundred and Fourteenth Level of the Jargonite Section of the Kasar Galaxy wishes to inform the Razor Contingent of the Golden Galaxy of an important message. 


“We have chosen the science-fiction language of the planet Earth to transmit information for the purpose of giving certain clues to key side-beings who have been kept in ignorance for many eons. 


“On the physical plane, a number of us have been placed on this planet, which is currently ravaged by dead center-vibrations radiating from the late age of Kali Yuga on the chronological time scale. Our function is to provide clues and make road signs (of which the Morgan Tarot may, or may not, be one) for those who are to usher in the New Age.” 

Yoga Sutra 3.4

 tryam ekatra samyamah

The practice of dharana, dhyana and samadhi together is samyama.  

It may all seem the sam but as the practitioner immerses themselves they will see the multi faceted layers that these threads weave to becomes whole samyama refers to the complete process.  

Yoga Sutra 3.5 

taj jayat prajna lokah 

By the mastery of samyama, knowledge becomes wisdom.  

Taj- Crown

Jayat- Birthright /victorious

Lokah- Realm

Prajna – Supreme Knowledge

Dharana- Glimpse’s of Inner Stillness

Dhyana- deep witnessing of the mind

Samadhi- inner stillness are natural state

Kaivalya- Liberated State 

Poetically -Samyama is the Crown of the realm of your birthright Supreme knowledge.  



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